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What are Baitcasting Fishing Reels Good For?

Using baitcasting fishing reels is good for a lot of reasons, the first being distance. You can cast baitcaster reels nearly twice the distance of a spin casting reel. This can be helpful when you can’t get your boat far enough in to where you want to go. Or if you’re fishing from shore, it will help you reach the distance you want.

Another reason baitcasting fishing reels are good is for accuracy. You can use your thumb to stop the line when your bait is right at the spot you want to be. It’s very helpful to use a baitcaster reels when you are fishing near a dock. You can easily flip your bait under the dock and get to where the fish are. If you are using a spin casting reel, chances are you’d be casting into the dock and getting all tangled up.

Using baitcasting fishing reels does take some practice to get used to using it. Your thumb is the key to getting your bait to where you want it. With the reel facing down, push the free spool button and hold the spool in place with your thumb. Then turn the rod sideways with the handle facing up. Keep just enough thumb pressure on the line as you cast. This will help to prevent backlash, as we have all come to hate.

Using the right amount of thumb pressure with baitcaster fishing reels takes a lot of practice. But after a while, you won’t even think about it anymore, you’ll just know how much pressure to use. Baitcasting fishing reels can be frustrating when you first start using them, but anything that’s really worth doing doesn’t come easily right away. Ultimately, it is all up to you with what you want to do. Do you want to take the time to learn how to use these baitcasting fishing reels properly, or do you just want to settle for less?

Practice is the key, however, in no time you will be out there catching fish like you’ve been using this fishing equipment for years and once you are comfortable with you new fishing reel, chances are that you won’t venture away from baitcasters ever again!